Artists & Links There is a lot of other good art going on out there, or things that you might find interesting if you like my work. I will try to update this list as I come across neat stuff. Artists Jeff de Boer : This man's work is excessively badass. Maybe I will meet him one day. Eugene Sargent : Another ordinary guy, doing extrordinary work. Hugh Syme : A big-time artist whose name you might not recognize, but whose work you will. The Otter's Den : My friend Mark Schneider, an accomplished bladesmith and ironworker. Mech Gallery : My brother, who paints wargaming figures for fun, fame, and profit. The Reverend Brendan Powell Smith: An old favorite takes on new life. Praise! Related (or rediculous) Links Celtic Knotwork : How to draw it. Chain of Command : Fight for freedom, wherever there's trouble. Utilikilt : I don't know if this counts as art, but it should. Ballista Construction : This fellow is making art, he just doesn't know it yet. Return to the Metalsmithing Homepage |