Book Work  details

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Books are our connection with immortality. Mankind's supreme gift from the gods, they allow our species and no others the ability to gain knowledge and insight from another of our kind dead centuries past. Until recently, books were treasures, hard to come by and venerated. But the advance of modern priting and distribution makes books a consumable item, like toilet paper. Though advantageous in terms of mass dissemination of knowledge, i think it sad in terms of awareness of the power and beauty of this immprtality.

I seek to explore and celebrate this vehicle of immortality, in the books you see at right.  Oftentimes, my biggest challenge
is simply finding a writing or subject worthy of immortality. The ease of modern printing has made man less selective about what he puts on paper. Maybe this phenomenon in itself is worth pursuing.

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One Ring
One Ring  2002
A gift for a friend, a story sacred to him, and one of the greatest pieces of fiction of the 20th century.
The Northwoods
The Northwoods  2003
My fathers story enclosed within the grasp of my art.
Ruby Book Ruby's Book  2003
A simple journal exploring book decoration and technique
Book of the Warrior Book of the Warrior  2001
Another technical and stylistic exploration, and a precursor to One Ring.
Luna Book Luna Book  2003
A crusade against superstition, misinformation, and derision- disguised in a useful and aesthetically pleasing format.
Robin Hood restoration
Robin Hood restoration  2003
Restoration of an ancient book produces unforseen inquiry into the nature of time and importance.
Manual of Magnificent Gaming
Manual of Magnificent Gaming  2004
The greatest game on earth, or an experiment gone dramitically awry?
I Am Not a Terrorist I Am Not a Terrorist  2003
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve, nor will he ever receive, either.

 Book of Many Travels
Book of Many Travels  2003
A sketchbook to test technique and material.