Temux Mayan Artisans
category: Jims Guatemala

morrale.jpgToday I drug our village into the Internet Age. Emily has been working on this idea of helping the locals to form a craft co-op. This would help our people in so many ways:  

  • Work the international marketplace, gaining DOLLARS which have a big advantage in exchange rate
  • Brings outside money into the local economy, making things better for everyone here (not just the craftspeople)
  • Teach women skills for managing a small business
  • Give the women a feeling of empowerment
  • Derive an additional source of income, to help pay for better healthcare and education for their kids

After MONTHS of humming and hawing on how to go about this, Emily finally just commissioned one of the local women to make a bag, and we’re going to sell it online. If it works, we can show the women of the town that this will REALLY WORK. They maintain the traditional Mayan skepticism, and I don’t blame them: it’s kindof rediculous to think that someone can take a picture, type on a computer, and someone else thousands of miles away that speaks a different language will send you a pile of money. But I guess this is the big test, huh? So please click the link to our online store and check it out. If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass the link along.


Posted by: jfanjoy