Our trip home was the much-needed kick in the pants that we needed for the Computer Center. I scored the following gear:
- 8 computers, keyboards, mice and a HUGE box of extra parts: network cards, hard drives, memory modules, video cards, power supplies… and the best part? All the equipment is corporate-grade, and fully interchangeable. (Mark and the folks at Wieland Furniture)
- 2 flat-panel monitors, a scanner, cables (Devin and the Hogan family)
- 3 laptops, tons of cables, 2 wifi stations, a 32-port switch, 2 huge pelican cases, and a crimping tool (The Timmons clan)
- A laptop and a desktop computer (the Fanjoy parents)
- 50 yards of ethernet cabling (US Architects)
We also received a SIZEABLE cash donation from the Trinity Episcopal Church in Logansport, Indiana. Some of that money will go towards the Computer Center project. I will be sending out thanks to all of these donors in a formal manner in the near future.
What are we still lacking? Well, about the only thing we still need is monitors. I have a potential lead on a pile of them, AND DELIVERY, but I want to keep it hushed up until i know if it will go or not (so as not to spoil the luck). And as you might imagine, delivery is the big problem for all of this… each crate costs between $150 and $300 to ship, depending on who I ask, and i have quite a few crates. But, that to may soon be solved- we’re talking right now with a Guatemalan businessman who might fund us. So, keep your fingers crossed.