For all you left-brain people, we collected some objective, quantatative data to summarize what was actually a very subjective, qualatative experience. During our time in the Peace Corps, there were…
6,506 pictures taken (Jaime)
4,735 hits on the blog in our busiest month (June 2010)
3,706 pictures taken (Emily)
3,476 dollars of Uncle Sam’s money spent on infrastructure
417 blog entries posted
400 trees planted
300+ chickens vaccinated
295 square meters of concrete floor installed
271 pounds of baggage brought back on the flight home
209 women trained in preventive health
92 morrales produced by Temux Mayan Artisans
91 formal health lectures given
46 posters drawn
31 pounds lost (Jaime)
30 pounds lost (Emily)
29 gringoes who visited our home *
27 months spent living in Guatemala
18 computers delivered
16 stoves built
13 articles published in the Logansport Pharos-Tribune
12 other volunteer sites visited **
9 water tanks built
4 latrines built
3 confirmed types of parasites contracted (Emily)
3 nights spent hospitalized (Jaime)
2 lives changed forever
0 times victimized by crime
* visitors we had: the 4 witches, karen, elke, devin, robin, elena, mike, millie, alta, anne, dan, zack, joe, katy, matt, sarah, norm, steve, donaldo, alice, charlotte, 3 trainees, katal, nick. Wow, that’s a lot!
** PCV sites we visited: alta, charlotte, S&M, K&J (both sites), sara furman, N&K, anne, kristin, dan, cat, kaying